talké in United States of Willie


WILLIE REF!!!! more info about me and general stuff in article and stuff

UPLOADED theyalldied.png AS finalmessage.webp SUCCESSFULLY.

the page has been renovated a bit. all mentions of "lobowilson" have been removed and replaced with "willertonIII"

read-article-only post jumpscare

small question
what other fandoms / genres would you like to see me dip my toes into, and possibly make a game about. i have a couple i've been wanting to try, but you can state your specific fandom in the comments!

  8 votes Voting finished

little post for those who dont know how to make a browser build for their games in turbowarp (in the article below)

doing this so i dont have to explain it to people in their shouts or comments, lol.

  8 votes Voting finished

committing arson

everyone go report this guys ass, hes unfunny, probably has no friends, and is generally just an ass to anyone who says he isn't funny or he doesn't like for no reason lmao

hitting 200 followers by the end of the year (im so close please i beg ) WE GOT A NEW (unrelated to najjg) SCRATCH GOBB FNAF GAME CHATTTTT